Worth a Thousand words (pt 1)
Okay, in light of my flagrant violation of Blogging Rule #8 on my last entry: "Many Colored Days", I've decided to keep my commentary on this entry to a minimum. Instead of posting something deep, spiritual, and intense, I'll just post a smattering of my favorite pictures. With commentary. (Sorry, I can't not do commentary.)For some reason, I really like this picture. It was taken at the end of my freshman year of college. Chad and I were moving out of the dorm, when I decided to take a self-portrait to commemorate the completion of my first year of "higher learning". Chad happened to walk in behind me and make a goofy face in the camera. Imagine my surprise when, weeks later, I had the film developed and saw Chad's mug looming eerily in the background. It made me laugh out loud. Still does.
This easily ranks among my top 5 favorite pictures of all time. The first couple of years of college I was in a sketch drama troop called Parable. At the end of the year, we all piled on each other and took this photograph in black and white. It reminds me how good looking we all were "back in college." Especially that 'Ben' guy.
Melissa and I went to San Franciso on our honeymoon, and stayed on one of the top floors of a highrise hotel. Late one night, I took this shot of downtown San Francisco from our hotel window. The view was stunning, and I think this picture turned out really nice.
What group of pictures is complete without a one of my daughter? This is definitely one of my favorites of her, despite the fact that she is over a year older now. Capturing a good picture of a toddler is kinda like capturing a picture of an earthquake in progress. I suspect it'll be another year or so until a picture does her as much justice as this one. What on earth am I doing in this picture? I include it not because it is one of my favorites, but because in this picture I embarrass myself and everyone else in the shot with me.
To all of the memebers of the '96-97 Believer's Harmony, my sincerest apologies.
Don't worry Ben! You're not the only one embarrassing yourself in that picture!! What am I doing? Pinching Gabe's butt? ha ha Thanks for the memory....
Christy Shirley White
you were in a group called parable? never knew that. those were the days huh? you look so young. i didn't think you looked like you had aged at all, until i see little boy pictures of you at tech.
Oh, yes, I was in Parable. If I remember correctly, for two years. Then I jumped ship and did the BH thing for another two. Christy, did you do BH 97-98? I can't remember who all was in it that year.
Alethia, my wife says the long hair makes me look older, so that's the story I'm sticking with. Plus, I weighed like 140lbs in college, which is a far cry from the - uh - 160lbs I weigh now. Yeah, 160lbs, that's the ticket...
Ben - I love seeing these pictures. I remember Chad! and your daughter is adorable. It seems like I may have taken that parable picture... some of my old cheerleader pyramid building influence i think. And I loved thinking back about our time in New Orleans...did the "robot" dance on that very stage...to WORSHIP MUSIC...hmmmm, Ihaven't really changed much I'm afraid.
I did BH just 96-97, then I did (ahem) band 97-98. fun times....fun times...
Glad to hear that all is going well with you Ben!
That was an excellent blog! Lots of pics and small words. I like it! The parable picture is also one of my top 5 photo's ever. (Thank you Mrs Kathy for your photo genius.)
Your daughter is beautiful! Congrats!
Kimberly: Whoever ended up with the negative to that Parable shot.
There's at least $10 for the person who can get it to me.
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