Work is work
For the entire population of 4 people who read my blog, I should apologize for not blogging lately. As the title of this post suggests, I've been working.
About once a year at work something urgent comes up. And, like a jungle cat, I spring into action, designing stuff, and eating a lot of potatoe chips. I've spent many an hour the past week and a half or so staring at my computer screen. I'm not really doing anything, I'm just staring at the screen until the wee hours of the morning. I figure that will look good to the higher-ups. Too bad I don't get paid for overtime.
Despite all my sarcasm, I really like what I do. Plus, I actually use calculus in my job, which simultaneously makes me feel cool and look like a dork. I don't think you really ever know that feeling until you solve an incredible Taylor Series on a dry erase board while standing in the hall of a Dilbert-esque cube world. Dang, I rock! (And suck!)
Speaking of how people look and feel, I got a chuckle out of my MD friend's last blog, which can be found here. I especially liked the way she contrasted "TV" attendings and "real-life" attendings. It made me think of the engineering world. Except the difference between the engineering world and TV world is the opposite. For instance, here is the TV version of an engineer:Reality Engineer:
Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Hey, that's not an engineer, that's Bono, and he seems to be in some sort of pain." To which I will respond, "You're right, but I can't find a picture of myself at work." Make of that what you will.
On another note, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of blogging, and terrorizing the blog of others with my comments. See you around.
(Let me know if I get TOO obnoxious...)
yippe, you are back. i laughed for a good 2 minutes about the jungle cat comment. ahhh ben, you never fail to amuse me. i didn't think engineers looked like nerds, i thought they looked like they had money....
ah, ben, i'm so glad you have returned to us. i had missed your words so! if bono is, indeed, an incarnate of an engineer, maybe i need to go back to school so i can get me some of that bono stuff. i'm just saying...
and, isn't it time for lorri to get a blog?
Ben, I read your blog, too, so maybe that's 5 people that read it? :)
THAT was funny!!
so glad you are back! i just realized i had somehow missed your dream post so that would have held me over another day or so. as far as the bono pic, i see the actually brings back memories of your "kung fu fighting" performances! classic ben moments i dare say...
Stacy! That was my first thought when I saw the pic! Kung Fu Fighting's debut on the BSU stage...
I think I make reader #6.
Well, i'm reporting in, too. Thank you for the always entertaining, as well as enlightening,thoughts. I, too, remember the kung-foo performance!! What a great memory. :) Hope your work has slowed down.
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